Saturday, July 5, 2008

Looking at the pretty colors...

Once upon a time I gazed upon the splendor of a mighty waterfall. Its thunderous power drew me into it.. I became one with the rushing water.. I was awestruck. As the energy flowed through my body and showed me a new reality I lost all track of time. And then I looked again and I was rewarded with a splendid rainbow.. a magical delight for the eyes to be sure. There I was.. enveloped by water spray, my bare skin tingling with the landing droplets, evaporating and cooling me in the blistering heat. My every sense was at full attention. For a few blessed moments, a mere blip in the time line of my life, I felt connected with the cosmos. I actually believed in that moment that there was a higher purpose.. perhaps even a plan.. and I was somehow privileged to be part of it.

As the mortal side of me stood there gazing upon this wonder of nature I reflected on what this might mean to me and how I might be able to use this understanding to make myself a better person. The answers seemed to be entwined in the streams of water pouring over the cliff but I could not see them clearly. The struggle to find them turned to a challenge.. and so I did not turn away. I looked deeper and realized they were but mere shadows.

Many years have passed since that glimpse into comprehension and I've learned in that time that the answers were hard to see because they were not yet written. That although the path is lined with opportunities that lead in different directions it is the journey that makes the exploration worthwhile. And I could never have imagined it then as I had yet to meet him but it was Poseidon in the water that day who captured my spirit and flew with me over the falls. Together we are splashing in the endless streams of water, all the while the shimmering rainbow illuminates our journey.

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